Friday, April 24, 2009

Colour Story of 2010 F/W womenwear and the forecast of

Here are some of the forecasts from StyleSight Website.

They foresee the color trend will stick to the colours with darker shade and some colours with soft tones.

Here is my forecast for colour of Givenchy in 2010 F/W womenwear.

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
(All the colour above belongs to Pantone@solid coated)
1.Pantone 426C 2.Pantone 7541C 3.Pantone 668C 4.Pantone 5265C
5.Pantone 423C 6.Pantone 7530C 7.Pantone 5185C 8.Pantone 8100C
Givenchy has a long hisotry in fashion world and one of the most important element of Givenchy's design is elegance,black is always associated with elegance and the little black dress made for Audery Hepburn has make black linked with elegnace closely.Although the next year will still be a hard time as i expected,girl never refuse to dream about dressing up beautiful,they will just change their buying hababit and stragety, they will switch to something elegant and can be chic for a long time, a simple dress showing body beauty will be a good choice and black colour will be the perfect match of this.
Besides,in Riccardo Tisci's designs,black never appear alone.When every time he used black,white was used as a contrast and balance to the colour family and this time it will happen too.Black ,grey and white , this Achromatic colour scheme surely be the best choice for him to remain his customer's favour.I think Tisci is not a designer that try to experiment with colour very often, instead he try to create new silhouette or feeling each time, and he will stick to this practice in the 2010 F/W.Besides, Givenchy is under LVMH, which is a company which focus on maintain his market value and position, I don't think Tisci will risk himself or using any bright colour.
Another point I want to say is that Tisci try to makes clothing which women love.If he can reallly anticipate what the women like,I think he will use some safe choice of colour, as women will want to use her money wisely in the coming year and will not buy any one-off clothing like before and I have taken reference from the fashion of the 30's,when the reknown great depression occured, at that time, womenwear become practical and the colour of them are simple shaded cool colour and history always repeats itself, therefore I truly believe shaded cool colours will be Givenchy main colour.
After analysizing 06-09 collection,i found that purple and blue are also Tisci's favourite colour and they represents royalty,prestige and sexyness.They will be another choice if the women don't want something black and white.
The reason of using Salmon and Maroon is that I discover that he like to use this two colour to make some small accessories or adding layers to the the outfit and it was quite successful in the past and I think he will not take risk in these things, therefore I beieve that he will also use a small proportion of these colours.
But why all the colours are in darker shade?It is beause it is one of Tisci's preference and colour with darker shade always convey us a meaning of sophistication and women are more willling to buy osmething with a refine-taste rather than trying something new insuch a hard time.
I think this colour family forecast has a high accuracy to be right, however if u have got 2010 S/S RTW, it would be predicted more accurately as the colour appeared in S/S will not appear in F/W usually according ot the past.

Some observation of Hong Kong Women

Today, when I am staying in MTR,I discover a big thing!10 out of 10 women are wearing pants rather than dress.It is quite a cultural shock to me.Dress supposed to be girl's item, however,they want to wear pants instead of dress.There are some reasons I have conclude out:
1.Pants are much covenience than dress and HK citizens prefer some casual wear.
2.Pants are originally men's item and I think through wearing pants they can get power.
3.In these few years,tight pant is really a hot item and girls are crazy for it.
4.Girl are forced to wear dress when they were in school, some kind of hate towards dress may be built as I make my wild guess.

Givenchy Fall 2009 RTW

Gothic style

It is a remarkable movie that show us what classic gothic style is.Hope u enjoy it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Brief hisotry of Givenchy Couture House

click'View interactive timeline ' and select Hubert de Givenchy.

Givenchy Store

Superstar Customer of Givenchy

Here are the sketches of Madonna clothing in Sticky and Sweet World Tour in 2008.
Another video of this show.

A Magazine By Riccardo Tisci

In 2001, Belgian fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck launched: N°A magazine, published by Artimo. The ground rules were laid out there and then: each issue would feature a fashion designer as 'guest curator', trying to create a fresh, poetic and 'pure' magazine, using these parameters: passion, emotion, fascination, spontaneity, craftsmanship, authenticity.

I think it is quite an exciting magazine.As ads are becoming more important in magazine, magazines easily turned into a platform for ad.However this one is special one.First,there are not many products or ads.Second every designer curating the boomk seems to show his/her every aspect of life likeing watching his/her visual diary or history.

Strange,gothic,darkness,subverting religion and every sides of a woman are the keywords to this issue.These are truly something about Tisci's design and his imagination.It is not hard to imagine why he was so obsessed with women.He was raised up by womens and lived with 9 women.He knows that woman is not only feminine but strong, not only sexy but tough.This is very similar to Hubert de Givenchy, they don't consider fashion design only as their way to express ideas, they love the women wearing their clothes, they never make something that is not elegant.It also explained why he can stand that long while other designers like John Gallino or Alxendar McQueen can't.

Some snapshot from


London and New York are two big international city, however their style are quite different.
For New York,their waering style is pratical,sexy and casual.
For London,they try hard to explore their concept on colour, conceptual idea and taste.
Compare to New York,London teens are quite really to give a try on exploring their taste, i think it is not a usual scene for a girl to wear short pant and stocking in all red, this combination recalls me of the bad taste of the red light district,they try to chanllege the pre-set standard on taste and give their own execution on their clothes, like the wearing a white jacket with colourful paint, it remains of the labour class or some dirty job, like car reparing job.
For New York, they like something sexy, it may be due to the effect of Hollywood Star as American Entertainment Industries is in favour of sexy actor rather than someone with a special essence.
Another point I want to mention is that Not only designers influence on the teen, but the teen also influence the designers.It is hard to imagine that Vivienne Westwood will be success in U.S while Ralph Lauren will become a big heat in UK. The personality or norm of the tenn is always the influential point that what kind of designers will be in that country.So, if we want some innovative designers in the coming future, we should teach the young to be brave in trying differnet style and explore the limits of the taste of the society.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Snapshots in Hk for WSGN competition

Some observations:1. HK people prefer something causal and are in favour with denim,5 of the photos show us a pair of jeans or denim jacket.
They prefer cool colour with darker shade.
HK citizens are much not reluctant for being snapshioted than what I first imagine.

Closeup Photos in HK for WSGN competition

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Reflection on this project

After start to do this project, I start to realize or remenber something:

1.Colour has differnet meaning to different sex or country, pink may be a all-time favour for woemn but it is new and innovative for men.This is just an example but there are many things we should observe accorinf to differnet view of angle.It is hard to forecast the colour without living in a foreign country like england or france, because you will never know about what is the colour meaning to them at that moment.

2.HK people are not that brave in trying to use colour.It is not only right in fashion design, it is but also interior design and product design.I think because we lack some kind of rebellion genes in our body,we tend to obey the authority and to play safe.Can it be connected to the unsatblity in HK society, such as politics, economic and the social values?

3.HK people are usually comforted with some simple and common silhouette, odd or special silhouette are hard to be seen in hk, however HK people like to use accessories or hairstyle to add fun to their style, such as wearing a big headphone,a pair of earrings or bracelets or having dyeing or special treatment on hairs, while the Western try new silhouette of clothes.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

The colour chart for 2006-2009 Womenwear

Colour used(It is just a rough conclusion based on my observation instead of reallly calculated result,however this chart is valid for overall view in his design for 2006-2009)

1 Black(usually pantone@solid coated 426C) 2 White 3.Grey 4.Salmon 5.Blue 6.Gold 7.Purple

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some observation after doing research on womenwear

Aftering doing reserach on Riccardo Tisci,I can figure out how he uses colour usually.

First,black and white are alaways his main colour.No matter which seasons or years,black can always be seen in his collection, it is mainly because he is in favour of gothic style and ganster look and black is always associated with these styles.Besides,black is a signature colour of Hubert de Givenchy, in order to keep some of his customers,it is always used.white is used as a contrast of black, not only about the tint or shade, but it provides a conceptual element to reflect his design topic----dark side of a soul, white is used to emphasize this topic.

Second,Beige or salmon is also the colour he always use, but i think it will be changed in the coming year.These colours were used as they were common colour in past few years, but the coming year will still be in a depression, i think something like blue or purple will raise to be a common colour and the salmon and beige colour can't reflect the social condition of our society this coming year.Salmon colour clothings make us look like having another skin and this colour are always used to associate with sexyness,but the women will not have that mood.

Another point is that blue and purple are used more often in 2005-2009.This two colour give us the meaning of royalty and prestige.In some good years, people may be looking for something new and alternative to explore their imagination, but when time has reached to a bad year,the conservative mind will be powerful again and blue and purple are some kinds of traditional colour for high-class image.i think people will be more likely to spend on something look high-class rather than something chic but cheap, therfore they stands a chance to become popular and whether it will be used is just based on the stragery of the design team of Givenchy.

The fourth point is that Tisci is not too innovative or have the guts to use colour dramatically and i think he will continue to stick on the gothic and tough style which make he famous,therefore the thought of using bright colour is not bery likely to happen.

The last point is that the colours he uses in spring or fall season are always similar,therefore we can predict the Fall 2010 RTW womenwear colour if we have the colour of the Spring 2010 RTW womenwear.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fall 2009 RTW Womenwear

Colour Family
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1.Pantone 7541C 2.Pantone 7506C 3.Pantone Cool Gray 8C 4.Pantone 5285C
5.Pantone 7528C 6.Pantone 532C 7.pantone 432C 8.Pantone 7543C 9.Pantone 436C
10.Pantone 465C
Colour theory and principle:principle of order,Mono-chromatic colour scheme
Main Colour:Black, Blue,Grey and Beige

Friday, April 3, 2009

Fall 2008 RTW Womenwar

Colour Family

(From the farest one to the nearest one)
1.Pantone 155C 2.Pantone 453C 3.Pantone 454C 4.Pantone 454C
5.(Metallic)Pantone 8622C 6.Pantone 7517C 7.Pantone 7535C 8.Pantone 426C
Colour theory or principle used:Emphasis of colour,Mono-chromatic colour scheme,principle of novelty
Main Colour: Black,white and gold

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Spring 2009 RTW Womenwear

Colour family

1.Pantone 4725C 2.Pantone 7521C 3.Pantone 7541C 4.Pantone 4665C 5.Pantone 532C
6.Pantone 432C 7.Pantone 7545C 8.Pantone 436C 9.Pantone 465C
Colour theory or principle used:Contarst of Colour,Balance of Colour and Mono-chromatic colour scheme
Main colour:Black, white, salmon and goldenrod